Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Validation is requisite for normative psychic functioning. Too many people internalize their marginalization and the stigma attached to them by society, making them unable to view themselves as fully operative human beings. They come to believe that the things they cherish don't matter, that the people and things they love have no value.

Do the economic injustices inflicted by the world make you angry? You don't have the right to be angry, especially if you are Black in America. Others have that right, but not you.

Do you smoke pot? Sorry, this is not California or Colorado, and that is not an acceptable alternative. Have a Newport and a shot of Ciroc. Then piss in this cup, let's see if you get this cubicle job.

Do you perceive misogyny, homophobia, racism and class discrimination. You should not be seeing those things, because they don't really exist in America anymore. And if you talk about the privileges associated with being a financially secure, educated, heterosexual White male of Christian faith, you are a reverse racist and your perceptions are not relevant.

Why do you think people join street gangs, fraternities and legislative bodies? To be a part of something, to belong to something, to have their thoughts, feelings and perceptions validated.

Why do you think unstable individuals pick up firearms and open fire on strangers? They are disconnected, internally stigmatized and feel invalidated by the societies that created them.

Namaste means "I bow to your form", it is a traditional greeting derived from Sanskrit widely used throughout India and certain spiritual communities. It is similar to the Navi (yes, from Avatar) "I see you"; it is a recognition of the valid existence of the person you are talking to.

Ralph Ellison wrote of the opposite phenomenon, the utter lack of recognition and validation experienced by an ethnic minority surrounded by casually accepted structural racism and prejudice, in his classic "Invisible Man".

If we want to solve the problems facing us as individuals, as families, as congregations of faith, as citizens of this country and denizens of this planet...we must learn to see each other.

The alternative is simple disintegration of human progress.

Namaste. I see you, my friends. And to those who disagree with everything I say and count me among their enemies...

I see you too.

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