Wednesday, December 18, 2013

NSA Spying Must Stop

So for anyone who is ok with the revelations about the government's universal spying program...let me talk to you for a moment, then ask a question.

I've heard some of the arguments in favor of allowing the NSA to monitor as they please without complaint. They are approximated as follows:

"They're only doing it to keep us safe from terrorists. They're on our side."

"I am not a terrorist, so I don't have anything to hide."

"They only look at metadata, not actual content. We can trust our own government."

"Every government out there is doing this, we have to keep up."

Is that about it?

Quick response: BULLSHIT. I don't care if the intention of these programs is to keep us safe, they are removing the things that are supposed to make America special in the first place. You know, liberty and freedom? The right to privacy in some vestigial sense. All too often it is a focus on an external threat that allows the real danger to grow within like a cancer. Ever heard of COINTELPRO? Hoover was big on surveillance too, and he wasn't on "our" side. If you think it's okay for what's going on to continue, you aren't on my side either. So you're not a terrorist, huh? Well, friend, in a police state, a terrorist is whoever the authorities decide is a terrorist. Maybe they don't like the books you're checking out from the library, maybe they don't think you need to study what you study. What's the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Depends who you are asking.

As far as metadata vs content, how are we to trust anything we are told? The government didn't trust us enough to tell us ANYTHING, but they expect trust in return? Sounds like a pimp & ho kind of relationship. Not to mention, it is demonstrably false that they can keep this data secure. That goes without saying at this point. Any and everything can and will be eventually hacked. Period.

Every government is doing it? Not to this scale, they don't have the capacity. Besides, didn't we use to oppose regimes that persecuted citizens for knowledge and thought crimes? Weren't they the bad guys?

I don't know about you, but the fact that we are in a totally Orwellian 1984-style Big Brother state does not make me feel safe. At all. That is not my idea of America and, again, if it is yours WE ARE NOT ON THE SAME SIDE.

Lastly, a question: Imagine a technology that allowed a government, or corporate, worker sitting in some room to scan people's thoughts. The actual thoughts inside their heads. Sounds far-fetched, right? So did the Internet 50 years ago. So did space travel a hundred. Would you be ok with governments and corporations rummaging around in people's heads, looking for dirt?

You're still not a terrorist, right? Still have nothing to would you be ok with that? How is that substantively different from the things we are allowing now? And the things that are surely as the rising sun coming down the pipeline unless we stop it now.

Please think about it.

#todayisareddawn, #weareenemiesofthestate